Friday, November 5, 2010

Self Love Rant

I posted some photos of myself with my beloved daughter on Facebook because I realize that I needed to make a public statement. I want to honor and bless our real true selves; our essence that is not our human outward form but our delicious lovely higher real selves. Our fabulous inner real self that is sometimes hidden by something we may feel uncomfortable with or even feel shame about or even at times despise. (Do I hear extra weight, skin problems, tummy pouch, etc.?)

I have been going through a metamorphosis these last two years. I believe that I am healing from my whole life and what I have been through (I am 53, so that has been a lot). A detox, if you will. AND interestingly enough it is all coming out on my face. Oh my gosh! The agonies I have suffered because of my skin being in constant red eruption. Do you all see it on my face? Probably most of you do not. Sometimes it is ALL I can see.

Jim and I dance a lot and the etiquette is to look in your partner's eyes and we are only 1-2 feet away from each other. Wow, that has been a real test for me to just buck up and go for it because I have felt so self conscious about my skin. When I throw myself into the dancing, I forget about myself; I am just being silly and having fun! And when I dance with gusto, people are not looking at my skin, they are laughing in joy with me (except for the people who look at me like I am nuts)!

What have I learned from this two year journey? See silly photos on FB (!/album.php?aid=236754&id=547707529) to fully understand this rant. Caption reads: "You know what is fun about these silly photos of me? I know that some of them are not flattering to me, but I don't care! That is a revelation, my friends. Because I have come so far on my self-love journey, I can laugh and appreciate that I look silly but who cares if it is not flattering to me. It made Shabbie, my beloved daughter, laugh. She looks gorgeous, by the way. I love me for the real me inside me. AND I know you love me for the real me inside me, eh? My outward human form is just that, not my real essence." I think I needed to say this out loud! Thanks for listening!

I love you all but what is most exciting is that I LOVE MYSELF! Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Love and light to us all!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Push the Pause button

Hello---yesterday I coached someone who wanted to figure out how to get his needs met. As we talked, it turns out that he really likes being helpful and pretty much never says NO to anything asked of him. I asked him questions about how he feels about this, where he feels it in his body (shoulders feel burdened), whose voice does he hear when he feels compelled to say yes(parents and others), what does he get from always helping (some folks call him Superman), what happens when he says no (he feels mean and selfish).

I asked him what he would like to get out of the session and said he would like to get some kind of list that would help him to decide if he should say yes or no. As he was telling me this all I could see in my head was a HUGE pause button. I asked him if something like this would help him. He laughed and thought it was a good idea. He will pause before he says Yes!

We also came up with a plan to have a day for himself. We talked through a script to talk to his family and gain their help. I asked him how he was feeling with this. He said that he was feeling respect for himself and some relief.

Do you take care of yourself? Are you feeling that you need to be Superhuman in your life and take care of everyone but yourself? Ponder the idea that you can push the Pause button when someone asks you to do something. Give yourself a chance to ponder what is best for you. Remember the concept that you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can help others.

Love yourself first with your whole heart. Love ALL parts of you! The pouchy tummy, the flabby thighs, the acne complexion, the wispy hair, the funny toenails. Know that you are perfectly perfect perfection in the eyes of the ones who love you and in the eyes of the Universe. We all serve a purpose. We are all here for a reason.

The more you love yourself, the more you take care of yourself, the more you love all the parts of you, the more you love others and all of their perfections, the more you draw love to you, the more people love you, the more love you give, the more peace in the world.

Try it one hour at a time. Take it easy.......when you look in the mirror, say "I love you!" Keep practicing.......Go for it!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Lifting

Hello--I see that my last post was over a month ago! WOW! I have been feeling utterly exhausted over the last month. Barely dragging myself around and doing the things I needed to do. BUT I can feel that it is lifting. yeah! So much healing and love happening this last year or so. I am in awe of it all. On the physical side, I still weigh more than I would feel is optimal for me but I really and truly just love myself NO MATTER WHAT. I am a really neat person. AND if I have a few extra pounds, that doesn't make me bad. The weight is there for a reason and it is all good. I have had skin issues for over a year now and at times I have felt despairing. We do so much dancing and when we dance we look into the partner's eyes. So, am I a bad person because I have skin problems? NO! Make that even more resounding....NO NO NO!!!

I had an amazing experience a few weeks ago around these physical issues I mentioned. I was doing some errands and walking downtown and all of a sudden I had the most beautiful feeling of peace and absolute gratitude wash over me and envelope me in a big warm blanket. I realized that I may not understand why I am going through all these physical challenges but I am so so so grateful to God-Goddess-Universe-Home Office to giving it to me. BECAUSE I LOVE MYSELF absolutely and in all shapes and forms. (And for those folks who are thinking that perhaps I should have eaten less and exercised more, it never seemed to matter what I did there.) I know that my essence is not my human form. My essence is divine, pure love and that is why I am here. FINALLY I get the love of myself and I am here to share that with others.

I truly am wallowing in love, gratitude and hope and I will share with all who seek this. Many many blessings to you/us all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Still learning at 52 and a half

Have you ever thought that you knew something and then you realized that you only partially knew it and it was another BIG learning for your life????? This is great, right? Yes, but sometimes painful as I navigate some emotional path that I didn't really want to go down. Okay, I know that I have been into inner growth and inner work and understanding myself completely and thoroughly and that is not even getting into the passionate self love path that I am on. I chose this path for a reason. To be free to be myself totally, to share my joy with the world, to share my gifts with the world. All good and THEN one of those emotional things come up! Sheesh! So, part of this path is feeling the pain, the emotions, all of it!

I embrace and celebrate and invite into me the pain and what feels like separation from Source Energy-Universe-God-Goddess-Inner Self. I am learning that this works so so so well to embrace the pain and emotions and they can become my ally. I see myself inviting XXX over for dinner. I love to cook for people! This image really helps me. I am also lucky because my most wonderful hubby, Jim, also gets me and is so supportive of me and caring and sweet! He never ever ever backs away from my emotions! Thank you, my honey bunny.

What triggered me last night was a feeling of being rushed......It is interesting because I have been one big rushing person my whole life but I have never liked it. That is why I get up at 4 or 5 in order to have plenty of time to ease into my day. BUT because I have worked all my life out in the world, I have had to rush A LOT! I am DONE with that.

Since I have been building my inner life coaching practice, I have not had to rush. feels so good! As I sit in meditation in the morning, I listen (and ask) for next steps and I have been consistently hearing, "let it go, it is all coming." I have heard to relax and rest more. That it is time for me to enjoy life more and that I have worked HARD my whole life and I don't have to do that anymore. Do you realize what a hard thing it is to let that sense of having to accomplish something go?

So, Jim and I are in the market to purchase a car. We went from 2 to 0 in about 2 months (another story). We are looking for a most perfect car for us. It is not about what it looks like or grooviness. It is all about gas mileage. We want at least 40 MPG. AND I want a little space. AND this cannot be rushed.....last night, however, got me into a rushing state and I stressed and even cried a little. EVEN though I know (and have heard) that our perfect car is coming to us and it is not quite ready yet. I have also set an intention and energized it towards the perfect car coming to us. I am done with rushing! Yeah!

What a great lesson that was. Isn't it funny how we learn SO WELL from pain-emotions-tough times? Thank you to the Universe, Source Energy, Inner Voice, God, Goddess for my beautiful connection and for the lovely lessons and reminders.

If anyone is interested in hearing more about setting an intention and energizing it, I am using a daily practice called C.H.I. Practice: A Daily Guidance System for Enjoying Life. I will be teaching this in the Eugene area with my mentors and the co-creators of this system, Will & Tashina Wilkinson (They are so awesome!). Our first level course is June 18-19. More information on C.H.I. Practice Facebook Event page.

Much love to all of us and may we feel the perfection in connection to our beautiful inner guidance................

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Love and Excitement

Hello everyone---I am nearing the completion of my life coach training and so excited about this career path for me! The ideas for workshops, teleconferences, healing opportunities are flying around my head fast and happy! Can you see the images with little wings on them?

One of the things that I will be embarking on is to share my chanting with the world. It is time! I have been chanting for the last almost 40 years! This is one of my passions. But, like a human, I did not realize how powerful it was until I attended a workshop and "heard" to share in a session. The group was blown away by the power and healing of the chant. I was so excited and happy that I had a gift to share with the world. Or at least I was happy that I could share in this instance. The excitement and committment and belief about sharing with the world came later.

Over the course of time in this months long workshop, I shared different chants with the group. I was starting to get that I would be doing this more globally at some point. The group really wanted me to teach a class in chanting. I knew that I would be using this chanting gift of mine for healing.

I also know that I will be using it in my inner life coaching. Every session may be a little different depending on what I hear to chant for my client. I know that I will be sharing it in my workshops, classes, teleconferences, etc. Yeah! I will have sound bites of me chanting on my up and coming website Stay tuned for that.

If anyone wants to get a taste of my chanting, please feel free to contact me and I will tune in to what chant you need at that exact moment and let it rip.

Now is the time to share your gifts with the world. Now is not the time to hold back because you don't think you are worthy or smart or absolutely fabulous. You are! Know it, live it, be it. Remember Marianne Williamson.......

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Let your light shine, beloveds. You have greatness in you. Much love and light to you on this day and everyday,


Remember---call or write and I will chant for YOU!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a day I had!!

I had such a day yesterday.

I went to Portland yesterday to have lunch with, and finally meet in person, my mentor coach teacher, Jennifer Powers. I was excited but nervous. Having some of those fun human thoughts like, "what should I wear?" and "maybe I should wait to meet her until I lose the weight". Such silliness.

We had a most marvelous lunch. Sat for close to 3 hours talking and talking. Laughing loudly and often. It was lovely. She really helped me to realize that I am on my path and that my coaching practice is perfectly aligned with me. My specialty is "Helping men and women fall in love with themselves!" She really helped me get that this is my passion, my obsession. I knew it before; she helped me see it in a way that supported me to continue. I was thinking that I had to change it for "marketing purposes".

What I do know about myself is that I see everything in terms of self love. I think that EVERY issue-problem that any human has is because they don't have enough self love or because they love parts but not all of themselves. I realized yesterday that not everyone thinks like this. :-)This is my obsession and I will be coaching around this.

So, if someone is wanting to lose weight, I can help them to understand why they are holding weight and help them to lose it by LOVING THEMSELVES more and more and more. If someone is working in a career that they don't like, I can help them to bust out of that and find their passion and work their passion and how I do that is by helping them to LOVE THEMSELVES more fully, profoundly and unconditionally. If you are a teen or know a teen that is having a hard time in school or in life, I can then help that person to succeed and be happier by giving them tools to LOVE THEMSELVES more deeply and towards being themselves fully and completely.

I think you get the idea. I can help anyone who is open to the Self Love Journey. It is a lovely and challenging and amazing and hard and beautiful and oh my gosh, I am giving up and profound journey!

I have been saying for years "we are asked to love our neighbors as ourselves. BUT the problem is that we don't love ourselves."

If interested or want to hear more about this, my passion, write to me here.

Much love and light on your self love journey.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I am so excited!

As I come into the homestretch of my official training to be a Certified Life Coach, only a few weeks left, lots of things are starting to happen! I love this! I have worked hard and diligently to build my Inner Life Coaching practice, but I have also very much enjoyed quiet moments. I feel that this is necessary for my life, which includes my business. In fact, I feel that more businesses could have more quiet and they would only gain from that introspection! (more on that later) I have been pushing for years to get the heart (love) back into business and I am so glad that I am seeing some of that happen!

I have been "hearing" that "it will all come". That I need to relax and know that the foundation is being laid and that the pieces will fall into place. As humans we think we know what is best. I have found that I can have some idea about what I want and can put it out there but including "this or something better" is a good message to Universe-God-Goddess-Home Office-Inner Voice to show that I am open to MORE.

Story about that: I have been laid off many many times in my career and after some initial shock it was FABULOUS! One time I was laid off at the same time as my dear hubby, Jim. We worked in different cities, he was in the public and I was in the private sector. We found out the SAME DAY! But during that 7+ months of not working, we found out that we could be retired together. We lived in 800 SF and so much enjoyed being together. We found ourselves always hanging out in the same room. We coined the phrase "Living the High Life Parsimoniously". We liked it so much that we have continued to this day.

Would we have asked to be laid off at the same time? NO! BIG NO! Are we grateful that it happened? OH YES!! This was an excellent learning for me to let go and let God-Goddess. Faith. Trust. Believe. Breathe.

So, now that I am almost officially certified as a life coach, what is happening with the building of my practice?

I am connecting with folks more all the time. I have even been called to coach and thinking it was just a freebie practice, was then sent a check! Wow, I am a paid life coach! I had a lovely realization that I am going to be teaching meditation and how it can be incorporated people's lives in an easy and everyday way. I have heard that I am going to be out in the community, also.

Well, stay tuned for this June in Eugene. Out of a serendipitous situation where, again, the Universe put me somewhere in an unexpected and (and unplanned on my part) way. Someday I will tell you the story of the Big Rock. I connected with some folks in Ashland who teach something they call CHI Practice (Creating, Healing, Integrating). I took their course and it has changed my life. Even after meditating for close to 40 years, this course shows some new ways to look at my life and daily spiritual practice.

"The CHI Practice introduces tools for consciously moving your life energy to create the life you want - with meaning, ease, enjoyment, and contribution. The C.H.I. Practice utilizes self inquiry, asking and answering three simple but many layered questions:
1. What do I want?
2. What do I feel?
3. What’s next?"

I am on my way to becoming a teacher of this Practice. Will and Tashina Wilkinson will be coming to Eugene in June to facilitate Level 1 of this training. They along with Rod and Brooks Newton developed this and are ready to take it to the world. I get to be part of this!! This is part of my bigger calling and passion! I am so lucky!

I am excited because I am using these techniques in my coaching practice and this is exciting because I had "heard" that I would be teaching something but I did not quite know yet what it was. I had to trust. I love it. I am on fire. Yeah!

So, listen, listen, listen. Put it out the the Universe-Inner Voice and let it go. KNOW that it is all working. See your beautiful vision of you as happy, peaceful, satisfied, and filled with love. THAT is what is important!!

Much love and light to you all and have a blessed day,


no internet---oh my!

Hello---It felt really frustrating at first and then challenging and then relaxing. WOW! No internet for about 10 days. I went to an internet cafe one day and that was fun. I borrowed a friend's computer briefly a couple of times. BUT mostly I rested from this obsession. I do know about myself that I love to be CONNECTED! So, the internet for me, including email, Facebook and Twitter, is a way to connect. So, while I did not have that, I practiced connecting and thinking about my connections-friends-loved ones in my heart.

What a lovely time. What a peaceful time. And at times frustrating since sending a quick email early in my morning does not disturb someone's sleep like a phone call might!

I enjoyed it. Thanks to the Universe for this lovely respite and reminder to just BE.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Public Speaking & Meditation

Hello---tomorrow is my public speaking class and I get to do my third speech. I am not shy about public speaking but I still get a little nervous. This class has taught me a lot about organizing my thoughts, protocol and that Open-Body-Close and the three main points of giving the good speech.

Our teacher, Kate, encouraged us to take a risk on this, our third, speech. I have pondered and pondered what to speak about. I thought perhaps "Thoughts are Things" might be a good topic. BUT it is a huge topic and the speech is only 5-7 minutes. I thought about sharing about the little girl who lives connected to us, Phoebe. BUT that almost seemed too easy. She is cute, smart, funny, lots of stories. So, what was it to be?

I decided to put this question into my meditation today to see what I could come up with. Then I laughed because by about minute 8-10 it came to me! I will talk about meditation and what it has meant for me and the impact it has had on my life. I started meditating when I was 15 and I am now 52 and a half so that was awhile ago.

It has given me so much. It gives me clarity; it has fine tuned my intuition and listening skills. I hear the answers to all my questions; I feel less stressed. I googled the benefits of meditation and of course there were a plethora of listings! I printed out a list that someone made of the "100 Benefits of Meditation" that I can give the class.

I can safely say that meditation has saved my life. It has given me something that I would not otherwise have. Serenity, peace, self love, hearing that still small voice within, connection to Source Energy, Universe, Inner Voice, God, Goddess, Divine Mother.

I can truly say that I am wallowing in love, hope and gratitude,

Peace to all, love to all, light to all,


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who do I want to reach?

Hello--it has been coming to me recently that perhaps I need to narrow who I am trying to reach with my coaching business. As you may have seen I am passionate about self love and helping men and women fall madly in love with themselves. Is this how I want to market myself? I am not sure.

What occurred to me is that as far as I am concerned self love and self esteem are at the bottom of everything! So, no matter who I work with we will be working on self love/self esteem/self confidence.

One example: I have a job. I overextend myself. I get laid off. Yikes!! I have purchased (probably on credit) big cars, house, boat, motorcycle, jewels to prove that I am wonderful-worthy-fabulous. Do I really believe it? These are outward displays that really don't mean anything except perhaps being in debt. Teh excitement of purchasing something wears off rapidly. But loving yourself fullyl and completely and unconditionally will last your whole life! And loving yourself is an inside job!

So, who do I want to work with? It occurred to me that perhaps working with groups that I know and understand would be valuable and natural. I have some ideas and I would really love input from any of you who are willing. That is presuming, of course, that someone is reading my blog! :-)

Here is what has come so far:
Human Resource Professionals: I was one for over 20 years.
Teens: I was one for 7 years.
Unemployed folks: I have been one off and on for years. I have gotten laid off about 4-5 times.
Natural Foods Industry: I have worked in this industry since I was 15. I have worked all aspects: retail, wholesale, manufacturing, restaurant.

What came to me for focus areas:
Teens: When I was out riding my bicycle the other day I had this thought pop into my head: "Helping high school students be successful one emotion at a time." I have always felt very drawn to teens. I remember how tough it was and how out of it I felt throughout my high school and middle school career. Yikes! Could I help kids to gain some self confidence? Helping them find it within themselves. What a cool thing that might serve them for years to come!

Unemployed folks or folks who want to live simply: The thought here, which our friend Cheri came up with, was how Jim and I have learned how to live simply and love it! Back in 2003 when we were both laid off at the same time, we came up with a saying "living the high life parsimoniously!" I don't know if there is a way to help folks live more simply or if there is a market for it, but putting it out to the Universe......

Human Resource Professionals: Not sure about this, but thought I could ask them what they are looking for. I know that often HR folks find it difficult to deal with difficult employees. Communication, perhaps? Helping HR folks to find balance between what employees want and what the company wants. Helping HR folks to ease out of their current position into a job or situation that they feel passionate and happy about.

Natural Foods Industry: There are many small NF businesses locally. This is a growing area around the US. I can certainly coach around HR issues for small businesses, working with humans, feeling confident to do the right thing as a boss/manager/employer.

I see all these areas as opportunities to help folks see the resources that they have within themselves. I feel very called to help people tap into their inner absolutely perfect selves where the answers to everything are present!

So, what do you think?

I look forward to hearing from you!

love and light, Elizabeth

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time to Rest

Hello everyone---I have been getting the message in the last several months to rest more, to take advantage of my flexible schedule to kick back a bit, read, watch a movie, meditate, enjoy myself. Why is this so hard?

Achieve, achieve, achieve! That is why. We North Americans are creatures of achievement. At the end of the day we need to feel that we have achieved something and not wasted our time.

When I was a stay at home mum, many many years ago, it was very difficult on some level because what did I have to show for my labors at the end of the day. I knew that I had done a lot with my most wonderful children, I had also picked up the house many times, cooked, cleaned, blah blah blah. I look back and think, "why?". Too much time in non-essentials. More kid time would have been better. Unfortunately my husband at the time also bought into the societal way of achievement. He sincerely thought I was doing nothing all day.

The achievement obsession is so engrained in me. What about you?

BUT what I have learned is that in order for me to truly and deeply practice my Self Love Diet ( I know, I am obsessed), I must LISTEN (aha--there is that word again) to my inner self, that still small voice, source energy, Universe, whatever you call it.

So.....I have been resting......more. AND one of the things that I have noticed also is that if I don't listen then all of a sudden I get a cold and cough which makes me HAVE to rest. Or I get a tummy ache, which makes me HAVE to rest. You get the picture.

I just read Martha Beck's blog (she has written many awesome books) and she said:

Warning to all those who think that resting is out of the question when you've got goals to achieve! Last June, I began getting an insistent message from a variety of sources telling me that the time has come for those who wish to heal the world to paradoxically move forward through rest.

I have suspected this for several months, but I wasn't sure quite what this meant or how to do it. For me, rest has usually meant working (playing) until my eyes crossed, then collapsing into a coma for a few hours. Then, just when I needed the information, a teacher appeared in the form of Dan Harmon, a wonderful Team member who spends his life developing and teaching a technique he calls "intentional resting".

In a few minutes, Dan took me through some basic resting exercises, which seemed similar to other relaxation exercises, but for some reason created dramatically different effects in my body and mind. We'll walk through one of these exercises in a moment, but first I want to say that using Dan's resting techniques consistently has suddenly increased my ability to manifest the things I want to experience. In that sense, I have come to believe that resting deeply and deliberately is more than a nice idea. It is powerful magic!

Here's your first intentional resting exercise:

Step One: Scan your body and find an area where you're holding pain, discomfort or tension. For a few seconds stop reading this and imagine all your attention flowing into this stressed out part of your body. Allow the sensation of discomfort to grow until it fills your awareness. Then come back.

Step Two: Repeat step one, but this time, silently give your stressed out location the suggestion, "relax." Then meet me back here.

Step Three: Note any changes that occurred in your stressed out area in response to the command to relax. Now, return your attention to that spot and this time mentally give it the invitation "rest." Continue to invite the area to rest for at least 30 seconds, then return back here.

Step Four: Notice any changes, brief or lasting, that accompany the invitation to rest. Common experiences may include a sense of softening, or melting, diffusion of energy, lessening of stress symptoms, or nothing at all. No right or wrong answer - just observe.

Step Five: Send your attention into your stressed out area once more. This time, slowly switch back and forth between the words relax and rest Notice any differences.

This is the basic format to achieve resting as opposed to relaxing. The two are not identical. If you felt a positive response to the word rest, try scanning your entire body while slowly and gently stating "I am resting for my feet now; I am resting for my legs now; I am resting for my heart now;" and so on. Put special attention on areas that are in pain or in distress.

Then you can begin applying rest to non-physical aspects of yourself. Try stating "I am resting for my fear now; I am resting for my perfectionism now; I am resting for my troubled past now; I am resting for my future now."

Then choose one thing you are trying to manifest into your material experience -- good health, a relationship, more money, friends, whatever. Spend 30 seconds resting for these things: "I am resting for the friends I am about to meet now; I am resting for my bank account now; I am resting for my good luck now."

As simple as this exercise obviously is, I have been flabbergasted by how powerful its effects can be. Not only have I been able to reverse minor infections in my own body, but the people and things for which I rest have been responding in ways that are simply too improbable to be coincidence.

Whatever it is you hope to attract, add a little extra twist by resting rather than forcing the result. The worst that can happen is a wonderful feeling.

Anyway, I thought it was great timing. I also have realized that it is my duty and my job to FEEL GOOD! Sometimes what makes me feel good is to just lie on the bed. Sometimes it is taking a walk or tooling around on my bike, sitting in the sun or watching a funny movie. When I do this, or I should say, when I allow myself to do this, I FEEL GOOD!

Three cheers for resting.......just BEING!!!!

What do you need to do for yourself to feel good?

Here's to loving ourselves fully, abundantly, unconditionally!

love and light to you-us all,


Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hello---My husband just read a statistic the other day about Facebook. One in three people are on FB. I know that I love FB. I know that I may even be addicted to FB. I had a realization today about this.

We are all seeking connection. We long to connect. We long to connect with humans and we long to connect with the divine. The definition of divine is different for everyone. To my way of thinking we humans are all divine. Do we all see each other that way? Probably not. But we connect by sharing our photos, our history, our games, our thoughts. We seek the sameness, the commonalities, the links between us. I think that FB is a fabulous place to connect. I love it!

I am now connected with high school comrades; I am connected with dancing friends from all over the country; I am connected with my extended family; I am connected with classmates in my coaching class. I am even connected with people I have never actually met. Who are these people and why would I become friends with them? Great question. I have been meeting kindred spirits through Facebook over the last several months. Kindred spirit connections who have similar spiritual (some may call it Woo-Woo) beliefs. What a blessing this is!

I have heard people make fun of FB. I think that it was a great invention! I don't think it creates barriers between connecting, I think it opens up the world to us. I have friends all over the world and enjoy hearing about their lives. I feel that this may be a place where we can start creating that world peace we have been talking about forever. It all starts with me (you). As I become a "fan" of pages on FB, I join with like minded folks to create new realities. Isn't that how it starts?

With all that said, FB is fun and a great connector. What a great age we live in with so much fabulous technology and ways to connect!

Just one more thing on humans all being divine. I believe fervently and passionately that loving yourself (myself) is the key here. The more I see myself as divine, the more I see EVERYONE (my neighbors) as divine. There I go again, on that Self Love diet rant! :-) Please know that as I get close to 100% self love of myself, I am sending the love out to you all! More more more more..................

Love and light and blessings for you (us) all!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

what I learned today

WOW-----do I want to go along with the mainstream and "play the game" of mainstream marketing and fitting in? NO, I have never wanted that. BUT I got caught up in a situation where I thought I needed to in order to market my business. AND I have tried for 52 years to fit in and pretend that I fit in when I just don't.

In my Inner Life Coaching business, I have felt called to "help men and women fall madly in love with themselves." BUT not everyone gets this. AND that is okay. I KNOW that this is my passion and this is my path. I cannot make it look "safe" by saying I want to "help people be happy".

Not everyone gets me. That is entirely okay. As long as the important people get me. My dear dear husband, my best friend, my son and daughter. They get me. There are a few more. As open as I seem to be, I don't reveal the whole everything to everyone! It has simply not been safe. BUT I am opening more and more and more and revealing more all the time.

My wonderful coaching teacher, Jennifer Powers, gets me. I have not even met her face to face yet, but we have a lovely deep connection and she so gets me. She encourages me to be me and said to me, "What feels right to you, Elizabeth? You know the answer to this already. The challenge for you is whether or not you will honor what you know to be true or will you let someone else define it for you?" She also said (which I love!) "No textbooks on earth can be as effective as passion and knowing. You have passion and knowing around this and it doesn't fit with the textbook way of doing things (thank God). " She then went on to say that we are the textbook of our life and we are writing it page by page every day from our hearts. AND the heart leads us perfectly. I say OH YES!!

What a lovely lovely beautiful thing that I learned today. I do HAVE passion and I do KNOW what I must do for myself. My heart steers me true. AND as much as anyone wants to help me and give me advice, I must listen to & follow my own heart-textbook.

So, I gratefully and blessedly am so happy to "help men and women fall madly in love with themselves!" AND I am indeed the Inner Life Coach. I have heard clearly from my guides, angels, internal voice, source energy, whatever you call it, that the people will come and they will be attracted to what I am called to do. I have also heard very clearly that if I need to change this or tweak this, the Universe will let me know. All I have to do is listen and listen and listen. I love doing this. I am so so so blessed and I continue to wallow in hope and gratitude.

Much love and light to you-us all,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wow--another epiphany!

Howdy---do you love epiphanies as much as I do? the one I had this morning was a result of getting coached by a fellow student. I was talking to her about getting out and going for a walk sooner in the day than later (or not at all). I was not feeling the shift but then she said to me,
"you are so intuitive and so in touch with your soul, Elizabeth" and bingo, I got it. I got what I have been working on in other parts of my life and that is dropping the judgments, dropping the shoulds, dropping the shame of not doing something.

Yeah! I got it about my extra weight; that what I need to do for myself is love myself completely, absolutely, profoundly, unconditionally. (this includes my tummy, by the way.) I got it last week about my complexion and the crazy skin eruptions that I have been subject to for the last year. I love my tummy, I love my weight, I love my skin, love love love like a lovely cozy blanket all over me!

I have been hearing in these last couple of years that it is time for me to relax a little, quit being so hard on myself, enjoy everything, be here now (heard that before, eh?), drop the shoulds, self love diet, self love diet, self love diet. Well this morning it was clear that I had another agenda around what I SHOULD do for myself and that was take a walk every day. I actually really like doing this. I want to do this. Was I acting out of love or happiness or joy? NO!! I was acting out of should, must, have to, I will not be a good person unless I go for that walk, I am shameful if I don't go on that walk. If I don't go I am not GOOD ENOUGH!

Done. Over. Another piece in the pie that is me. Thank you for saying the right thing, Coach. Thanks to Source Energy for giving this epiphany. Thanks to myself for listening and getting it. I live in gratitude. I am so blessed! AND guess what? I will probably go for more walks as this sinks in that I deserve to have this joy. I get to treat myself to walks.

Keep those epiphanies coming!

love to you all,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

glad it is today

Hello--it is me, the Self Love Fanatic. I was thinking the other day that perhaps not everyone gets what I am saying when I talk about self love. Perhaps they (you) think I am on some kind of narcissistic kick. Who knows, perhaps you are right. BUT what I do know is that I have heard very clearly that in order for me to fully and completely love my neighbor as myself, I need to love ME fully and completely. AND in order to heal from all the wounds of my life I need to accept, passionately, profoundly and unconditionally love myself EXACTLY as I am NOW.

Now changes every second, so that means that I love myself now when I am overweight and when I have skin conditions. Now means I love myself when I am thin and my skin is clear. Now means every second of every day forever and ever!

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I was in a bit of a funk and not so sure if I loved myself. I know it was there hiding somewhere inside me. I could see little glimmers of it here and there throughout the day. What was this about? I was feeling so good and feeling that I was making moves towards that 99% of the time loving myself. AND I know that I must just persevere. I must keep holding onto the thought that I am good enough. I am better than good enough and getting better all the time (sing it).

What helps me? Meditating helps. I sit in the rich silence and bask in the warmth of the creative and beautiful source energy. I sit and feel this source energy flowing all around me and within me. I listen for the messages that I know will come. I open my heart to the pure essence that is me and the greater good that I am a part of. I am here for a reason and I am not always clear why this is but I KNOW to the depth of my soul that I am here to serve in some way. I KNOW that I make a difference. I also know that right now it is easier for me to know this today than yesterday.

Also, talking to my honey helps! He is such a source of unconditional love and support. Thank you, Jim!

So, how is your self love diet going? Do you feel hooked up to your beautiful, divine, source energy that is you? I hope so and send you my prayer that it is so for you.

Much love and light to you (us) all today and everyday--NOW,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day by Day--Self Love diet

Hello everyone! One of the things I have learned this year is to go day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute (even occasionally second by second). I have learned to really listen to myself, my real inner self to discover what is needed at the moment. What do I do now? AND although some things are daily activities, there are many variations and things I feel called to do randomly (or seemingly).

Everyday I listen. I am getting better at it. I am learning to wait, ask, listen for the answer. It can be as simple as what to eat for breakfast. I don't know if I was in a rut but this really helps me to bust out of it. I know that I was in a rut of thinking that I am not good enough. I know that I was in a habit of not loving myself enough. I know that I was in a habit of giving myself a hard time for being heavier than I want to be and for my poor complexion having to go through this trying time.

Why on earth would I give myself such a hard time? I know that I would never treat anyone the way I treat myself. This is a revelation I had many many years ago. Why, you ask, have I not gotten rid of this not very nice habit? Great question. And all I can think is that somehow it has been serving me. Not sure why or how.....but now I am ready to let it go and have been working diligently to let it all go.

My intention for the last few weeks is: I choose to create mad, passionate, unconditional, profound love of myself, my whole being, and feel it 99% of the time. When I set this intention I was at about 70%. At the beginning of last week I was at 88%. Pretty cool, eh?

This week has been tough. I have felt heavy, my skin has new eruptions, lovely blotchiness. So what is this all about? What came to me this morning is that it is vital for me to love myself in this state. I know my friends and loved ones don't see me in the too heavy-blotched skin way that I see myself.

I am in a state of deep healing for all that has gone on in my full 52.5 years of life. This is good. I know I will come out the other side and feel that I am so close to complete healing. Yeah! AND as I sit and listen, I hear that I am at 92% of the time fully loving myself. Progress!

I continue to feel so blessed for the many wonderful people in my life who are so supportive! Thanks especially to my lovely Jim, my best friend Serene, my lovely daughter, Shabbie and fab son, Jazz and his sweetie, Briana. There are many more out there. Thank you thank you thank you!

See me bathed in light of healing love. Blessings, Elizabeth

Monday, February 15, 2010


Hi everyone---I am wanting to blog and just recently read something a wonderful friend of mine blogged. She had heard that you must have at lest 50 thoughts about a topic in order to blog it. She writes beautifully about creativity. I was pondering what to blog about and then it came to me. I am on the Self Love Diet and in my coaching business I help men and women fall passionately in love with themselves so there was my topic.

So, to start by talking about Zumba. Perhaps none of you have heard of it or just heard the name. I discovered Zumba recently at the local Y here in Eugene. I had heard of it but never tried it. It is a lovely and darn fun exercise class based on Latin dance and rhythms! yeah! I love it. So I was recently inspired to become a Zumba instructor. You must go through the originators and get certified through them.

I was going to hold off doing this until I lost weight. That seemed to make sense to me and then my best friend suggested gently that perhaps doing this NOW would be the best thing for ME. Yes, I got it! I had been (and probably still do on some level but working on it) waiting to do some things or even enjoy some things until I got thin!!!!!

Well, for one, what if I never lose this 35 pounds? Does that mean that I am not going to live (or love myself fully) until then? Does that mean that I can never stand up in front of a class and teach Zumba? Gulp, I know I can do it but it makes me a little nervous. Stand up in front of a class when I look like this and be confident????? Yikes! So......working on self image. Self Love.....

My goals for these last two weeks are to "love myself passionately, madly, profoundly, unconditionally 99% of the time". A couple of weeks ago I was at 70% and then at the beginning of last week I moved up to 88%. yeah!

So, teaching Zumba would be such a kick ass move for me and my being. I have gotten a lot of encouragement from one of the current Zumba teachers and a few of the students. Also from my very dear best best friend and my most wonderful husband, Jim. Thanks!

So, my next step was to sign up for the training. I signed up this weekend and my training class is April 17.

I will keep you posted.

Here's to mad passionate love of yourself, Elizabeth

Monday, January 11, 2010

Facebook | Eyes to the Soul

Facebook Eyes to the Soul

I just learned a fabulous new-to-me word. Irie. My favorite definition is: "I respect I eternally. Being happy with who I am." Since I am on the Self-Love Diet and as an Inner Life Coach whose goal is "Helping men and women fall in love with themselves." I am thinking this is the perfect word for me! Thanks to my coaching friend, Monick Paul Halm, the Reiki Coach. She gave me the word.
Have a beautiful day and just saying to myself, "I am irie!" makes me feel peaceful, happy and so sublimely satisfied and grateful for my wonderful life.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Facebook | Eyes to the Soul

Facebook Eyes to the Soul
Hello and happy new year! What feels to me like a significant year. Lots is happening. Energy is moving. We are living our dreams, our passions! yeah! Do you love yourself fully, completely, abundantly, unconditionally, lavishly, before all others? Can you say, "I love you" while you are looking in the mirror, gazing into your eyes? Try it, practice it. It makes a difference.

Much love to you all,

Inner Life Coach
"Helping men and women fall in love with themselves!"