Friday, November 5, 2010

Self Love Rant

I posted some photos of myself with my beloved daughter on Facebook because I realize that I needed to make a public statement. I want to honor and bless our real true selves; our essence that is not our human outward form but our delicious lovely higher real selves. Our fabulous inner real self that is sometimes hidden by something we may feel uncomfortable with or even feel shame about or even at times despise. (Do I hear extra weight, skin problems, tummy pouch, etc.?)

I have been going through a metamorphosis these last two years. I believe that I am healing from my whole life and what I have been through (I am 53, so that has been a lot). A detox, if you will. AND interestingly enough it is all coming out on my face. Oh my gosh! The agonies I have suffered because of my skin being in constant red eruption. Do you all see it on my face? Probably most of you do not. Sometimes it is ALL I can see.

Jim and I dance a lot and the etiquette is to look in your partner's eyes and we are only 1-2 feet away from each other. Wow, that has been a real test for me to just buck up and go for it because I have felt so self conscious about my skin. When I throw myself into the dancing, I forget about myself; I am just being silly and having fun! And when I dance with gusto, people are not looking at my skin, they are laughing in joy with me (except for the people who look at me like I am nuts)!

What have I learned from this two year journey? See silly photos on FB (!/album.php?aid=236754&id=547707529) to fully understand this rant. Caption reads: "You know what is fun about these silly photos of me? I know that some of them are not flattering to me, but I don't care! That is a revelation, my friends. Because I have come so far on my self-love journey, I can laugh and appreciate that I look silly but who cares if it is not flattering to me. It made Shabbie, my beloved daughter, laugh. She looks gorgeous, by the way. I love me for the real me inside me. AND I know you love me for the real me inside me, eh? My outward human form is just that, not my real essence." I think I needed to say this out loud! Thanks for listening!

I love you all but what is most exciting is that I LOVE MYSELF! Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Love and light to us all!