Thursday, April 15, 2010

Still learning at 52 and a half

Have you ever thought that you knew something and then you realized that you only partially knew it and it was another BIG learning for your life????? This is great, right? Yes, but sometimes painful as I navigate some emotional path that I didn't really want to go down. Okay, I know that I have been into inner growth and inner work and understanding myself completely and thoroughly and that is not even getting into the passionate self love path that I am on. I chose this path for a reason. To be free to be myself totally, to share my joy with the world, to share my gifts with the world. All good and THEN one of those emotional things come up! Sheesh! So, part of this path is feeling the pain, the emotions, all of it!

I embrace and celebrate and invite into me the pain and what feels like separation from Source Energy-Universe-God-Goddess-Inner Self. I am learning that this works so so so well to embrace the pain and emotions and they can become my ally. I see myself inviting XXX over for dinner. I love to cook for people! This image really helps me. I am also lucky because my most wonderful hubby, Jim, also gets me and is so supportive of me and caring and sweet! He never ever ever backs away from my emotions! Thank you, my honey bunny.

What triggered me last night was a feeling of being rushed......It is interesting because I have been one big rushing person my whole life but I have never liked it. That is why I get up at 4 or 5 in order to have plenty of time to ease into my day. BUT because I have worked all my life out in the world, I have had to rush A LOT! I am DONE with that.

Since I have been building my inner life coaching practice, I have not had to rush. feels so good! As I sit in meditation in the morning, I listen (and ask) for next steps and I have been consistently hearing, "let it go, it is all coming." I have heard to relax and rest more. That it is time for me to enjoy life more and that I have worked HARD my whole life and I don't have to do that anymore. Do you realize what a hard thing it is to let that sense of having to accomplish something go?

So, Jim and I are in the market to purchase a car. We went from 2 to 0 in about 2 months (another story). We are looking for a most perfect car for us. It is not about what it looks like or grooviness. It is all about gas mileage. We want at least 40 MPG. AND I want a little space. AND this cannot be rushed.....last night, however, got me into a rushing state and I stressed and even cried a little. EVEN though I know (and have heard) that our perfect car is coming to us and it is not quite ready yet. I have also set an intention and energized it towards the perfect car coming to us. I am done with rushing! Yeah!

What a great lesson that was. Isn't it funny how we learn SO WELL from pain-emotions-tough times? Thank you to the Universe, Source Energy, Inner Voice, God, Goddess for my beautiful connection and for the lovely lessons and reminders.

If anyone is interested in hearing more about setting an intention and energizing it, I am using a daily practice called C.H.I. Practice: A Daily Guidance System for Enjoying Life. I will be teaching this in the Eugene area with my mentors and the co-creators of this system, Will & Tashina Wilkinson (They are so awesome!). Our first level course is June 18-19. More information on C.H.I. Practice Facebook Event page.

Much love to all of us and may we feel the perfection in connection to our beautiful inner guidance................

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