Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who do I want to reach?

Hello--it has been coming to me recently that perhaps I need to narrow who I am trying to reach with my coaching business. As you may have seen I am passionate about self love and helping men and women fall madly in love with themselves. Is this how I want to market myself? I am not sure.

What occurred to me is that as far as I am concerned self love and self esteem are at the bottom of everything! So, no matter who I work with we will be working on self love/self esteem/self confidence.

One example: I have a job. I overextend myself. I get laid off. Yikes!! I have purchased (probably on credit) big cars, house, boat, motorcycle, jewels to prove that I am wonderful-worthy-fabulous. Do I really believe it? These are outward displays that really don't mean anything except perhaps being in debt. Teh excitement of purchasing something wears off rapidly. But loving yourself fullyl and completely and unconditionally will last your whole life! And loving yourself is an inside job!

So, who do I want to work with? It occurred to me that perhaps working with groups that I know and understand would be valuable and natural. I have some ideas and I would really love input from any of you who are willing. That is presuming, of course, that someone is reading my blog! :-)

Here is what has come so far:
Human Resource Professionals: I was one for over 20 years.
Teens: I was one for 7 years.
Unemployed folks: I have been one off and on for years. I have gotten laid off about 4-5 times.
Natural Foods Industry: I have worked in this industry since I was 15. I have worked all aspects: retail, wholesale, manufacturing, restaurant.

What came to me for focus areas:
Teens: When I was out riding my bicycle the other day I had this thought pop into my head: "Helping high school students be successful one emotion at a time." I have always felt very drawn to teens. I remember how tough it was and how out of it I felt throughout my high school and middle school career. Yikes! Could I help kids to gain some self confidence? Helping them find it within themselves. What a cool thing that might serve them for years to come!

Unemployed folks or folks who want to live simply: The thought here, which our friend Cheri came up with, was how Jim and I have learned how to live simply and love it! Back in 2003 when we were both laid off at the same time, we came up with a saying "living the high life parsimoniously!" I don't know if there is a way to help folks live more simply or if there is a market for it, but putting it out to the Universe......

Human Resource Professionals: Not sure about this, but thought I could ask them what they are looking for. I know that often HR folks find it difficult to deal with difficult employees. Communication, perhaps? Helping HR folks to find balance between what employees want and what the company wants. Helping HR folks to ease out of their current position into a job or situation that they feel passionate and happy about.

Natural Foods Industry: There are many small NF businesses locally. This is a growing area around the US. I can certainly coach around HR issues for small businesses, working with humans, feeling confident to do the right thing as a boss/manager/employer.

I see all these areas as opportunities to help folks see the resources that they have within themselves. I feel very called to help people tap into their inner absolutely perfect selves where the answers to everything are present!

So, what do you think?

I look forward to hearing from you!

love and light, Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Thansk for all the help and comments on my FB page. Much love and light to you all!!!!
