Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Public Speaking & Meditation

Hello---tomorrow is my public speaking class and I get to do my third speech. I am not shy about public speaking but I still get a little nervous. This class has taught me a lot about organizing my thoughts, protocol and that Open-Body-Close and the three main points of giving the good speech.

Our teacher, Kate, encouraged us to take a risk on this, our third, speech. I have pondered and pondered what to speak about. I thought perhaps "Thoughts are Things" might be a good topic. BUT it is a huge topic and the speech is only 5-7 minutes. I thought about sharing about the little girl who lives connected to us, Phoebe. BUT that almost seemed too easy. She is cute, smart, funny, lots of stories. So, what was it to be?

I decided to put this question into my meditation today to see what I could come up with. Then I laughed because by about minute 8-10 it came to me! I will talk about meditation and what it has meant for me and the impact it has had on my life. I started meditating when I was 15 and I am now 52 and a half so that was awhile ago.

It has given me so much. It gives me clarity; it has fine tuned my intuition and listening skills. I hear the answers to all my questions; I feel less stressed. I googled the benefits of meditation and of course there were a plethora of listings! I printed out a list that someone made of the "100 Benefits of Meditation" that I can give the class.

I can safely say that meditation has saved my life. It has given me something that I would not otherwise have. Serenity, peace, self love, hearing that still small voice within, connection to Source Energy, Universe, Inner Voice, God, Goddess, Divine Mother.

I can truly say that I am wallowing in love, hope and gratitude,

Peace to all, love to all, light to all,


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