Friday, March 26, 2010

I am so excited!

As I come into the homestretch of my official training to be a Certified Life Coach, only a few weeks left, lots of things are starting to happen! I love this! I have worked hard and diligently to build my Inner Life Coaching practice, but I have also very much enjoyed quiet moments. I feel that this is necessary for my life, which includes my business. In fact, I feel that more businesses could have more quiet and they would only gain from that introspection! (more on that later) I have been pushing for years to get the heart (love) back into business and I am so glad that I am seeing some of that happen!

I have been "hearing" that "it will all come". That I need to relax and know that the foundation is being laid and that the pieces will fall into place. As humans we think we know what is best. I have found that I can have some idea about what I want and can put it out there but including "this or something better" is a good message to Universe-God-Goddess-Home Office-Inner Voice to show that I am open to MORE.

Story about that: I have been laid off many many times in my career and after some initial shock it was FABULOUS! One time I was laid off at the same time as my dear hubby, Jim. We worked in different cities, he was in the public and I was in the private sector. We found out the SAME DAY! But during that 7+ months of not working, we found out that we could be retired together. We lived in 800 SF and so much enjoyed being together. We found ourselves always hanging out in the same room. We coined the phrase "Living the High Life Parsimoniously". We liked it so much that we have continued to this day.

Would we have asked to be laid off at the same time? NO! BIG NO! Are we grateful that it happened? OH YES!! This was an excellent learning for me to let go and let God-Goddess. Faith. Trust. Believe. Breathe.

So, now that I am almost officially certified as a life coach, what is happening with the building of my practice?

I am connecting with folks more all the time. I have even been called to coach and thinking it was just a freebie practice, was then sent a check! Wow, I am a paid life coach! I had a lovely realization that I am going to be teaching meditation and how it can be incorporated people's lives in an easy and everyday way. I have heard that I am going to be out in the community, also.

Well, stay tuned for this June in Eugene. Out of a serendipitous situation where, again, the Universe put me somewhere in an unexpected and (and unplanned on my part) way. Someday I will tell you the story of the Big Rock. I connected with some folks in Ashland who teach something they call CHI Practice (Creating, Healing, Integrating). I took their course and it has changed my life. Even after meditating for close to 40 years, this course shows some new ways to look at my life and daily spiritual practice.

"The CHI Practice introduces tools for consciously moving your life energy to create the life you want - with meaning, ease, enjoyment, and contribution. The C.H.I. Practice utilizes self inquiry, asking and answering three simple but many layered questions:
1. What do I want?
2. What do I feel?
3. What’s next?"

I am on my way to becoming a teacher of this Practice. Will and Tashina Wilkinson will be coming to Eugene in June to facilitate Level 1 of this training. They along with Rod and Brooks Newton developed this and are ready to take it to the world. I get to be part of this!! This is part of my bigger calling and passion! I am so lucky!

I am excited because I am using these techniques in my coaching practice and this is exciting because I had "heard" that I would be teaching something but I did not quite know yet what it was. I had to trust. I love it. I am on fire. Yeah!

So, listen, listen, listen. Put it out the the Universe-Inner Voice and let it go. KNOW that it is all working. See your beautiful vision of you as happy, peaceful, satisfied, and filled with love. THAT is what is important!!

Much love and light to you all and have a blessed day,


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