Thursday, February 18, 2010

glad it is today

Hello--it is me, the Self Love Fanatic. I was thinking the other day that perhaps not everyone gets what I am saying when I talk about self love. Perhaps they (you) think I am on some kind of narcissistic kick. Who knows, perhaps you are right. BUT what I do know is that I have heard very clearly that in order for me to fully and completely love my neighbor as myself, I need to love ME fully and completely. AND in order to heal from all the wounds of my life I need to accept, passionately, profoundly and unconditionally love myself EXACTLY as I am NOW.

Now changes every second, so that means that I love myself now when I am overweight and when I have skin conditions. Now means I love myself when I am thin and my skin is clear. Now means every second of every day forever and ever!

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I was in a bit of a funk and not so sure if I loved myself. I know it was there hiding somewhere inside me. I could see little glimmers of it here and there throughout the day. What was this about? I was feeling so good and feeling that I was making moves towards that 99% of the time loving myself. AND I know that I must just persevere. I must keep holding onto the thought that I am good enough. I am better than good enough and getting better all the time (sing it).

What helps me? Meditating helps. I sit in the rich silence and bask in the warmth of the creative and beautiful source energy. I sit and feel this source energy flowing all around me and within me. I listen for the messages that I know will come. I open my heart to the pure essence that is me and the greater good that I am a part of. I am here for a reason and I am not always clear why this is but I KNOW to the depth of my soul that I am here to serve in some way. I KNOW that I make a difference. I also know that right now it is easier for me to know this today than yesterday.

Also, talking to my honey helps! He is such a source of unconditional love and support. Thank you, Jim!

So, how is your self love diet going? Do you feel hooked up to your beautiful, divine, source energy that is you? I hope so and send you my prayer that it is so for you.

Much love and light to you (us) all today and everyday--NOW,


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