Monday, February 15, 2010


Hi everyone---I am wanting to blog and just recently read something a wonderful friend of mine blogged. She had heard that you must have at lest 50 thoughts about a topic in order to blog it. She writes beautifully about creativity. I was pondering what to blog about and then it came to me. I am on the Self Love Diet and in my coaching business I help men and women fall passionately in love with themselves so there was my topic.

So, to start by talking about Zumba. Perhaps none of you have heard of it or just heard the name. I discovered Zumba recently at the local Y here in Eugene. I had heard of it but never tried it. It is a lovely and darn fun exercise class based on Latin dance and rhythms! yeah! I love it. So I was recently inspired to become a Zumba instructor. You must go through the originators and get certified through them.

I was going to hold off doing this until I lost weight. That seemed to make sense to me and then my best friend suggested gently that perhaps doing this NOW would be the best thing for ME. Yes, I got it! I had been (and probably still do on some level but working on it) waiting to do some things or even enjoy some things until I got thin!!!!!

Well, for one, what if I never lose this 35 pounds? Does that mean that I am not going to live (or love myself fully) until then? Does that mean that I can never stand up in front of a class and teach Zumba? Gulp, I know I can do it but it makes me a little nervous. Stand up in front of a class when I look like this and be confident????? Yikes! So......working on self image. Self Love.....

My goals for these last two weeks are to "love myself passionately, madly, profoundly, unconditionally 99% of the time". A couple of weeks ago I was at 70% and then at the beginning of last week I moved up to 88%. yeah!

So, teaching Zumba would be such a kick ass move for me and my being. I have gotten a lot of encouragement from one of the current Zumba teachers and a few of the students. Also from my very dear best best friend and my most wonderful husband, Jim. Thanks!

So, my next step was to sign up for the training. I signed up this weekend and my training class is April 17.

I will keep you posted.

Here's to mad passionate love of yourself, Elizabeth

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