Saturday, June 12, 2010

Push the Pause button

Hello---yesterday I coached someone who wanted to figure out how to get his needs met. As we talked, it turns out that he really likes being helpful and pretty much never says NO to anything asked of him. I asked him questions about how he feels about this, where he feels it in his body (shoulders feel burdened), whose voice does he hear when he feels compelled to say yes(parents and others), what does he get from always helping (some folks call him Superman), what happens when he says no (he feels mean and selfish).

I asked him what he would like to get out of the session and said he would like to get some kind of list that would help him to decide if he should say yes or no. As he was telling me this all I could see in my head was a HUGE pause button. I asked him if something like this would help him. He laughed and thought it was a good idea. He will pause before he says Yes!

We also came up with a plan to have a day for himself. We talked through a script to talk to his family and gain their help. I asked him how he was feeling with this. He said that he was feeling respect for himself and some relief.

Do you take care of yourself? Are you feeling that you need to be Superhuman in your life and take care of everyone but yourself? Ponder the idea that you can push the Pause button when someone asks you to do something. Give yourself a chance to ponder what is best for you. Remember the concept that you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can help others.

Love yourself first with your whole heart. Love ALL parts of you! The pouchy tummy, the flabby thighs, the acne complexion, the wispy hair, the funny toenails. Know that you are perfectly perfect perfection in the eyes of the ones who love you and in the eyes of the Universe. We all serve a purpose. We are all here for a reason.

The more you love yourself, the more you take care of yourself, the more you love all the parts of you, the more you love others and all of their perfections, the more you draw love to you, the more people love you, the more love you give, the more peace in the world.

Try it one hour at a time. Take it easy.......when you look in the mirror, say "I love you!" Keep practicing.......Go for it!

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